To Center or Not? (Spot the Difference)
To center the subject or not? Good question! Whether you literally center the subject in the frame or just point to them with their surroundings, it depends on the circumstance. But keeping the subject the metaphorical center of the photo is something I keep in mind every time I edit. Here’s how I do it. See if you can spot the difference!

Three Things God Taught me in College
It’s okay not to bear everyone else’s burdens. I tend to listen well to people, which is a good thing, but that means I often internalize other people’s problems or frustrations and try to take them on as my own. And that can become unhealthy quite fast. There was a season that I was trying to juggle 5+ people’s tough situations and, at one point, I broke down crying on the phone with my mom because I couldn’t take it…

Four Steps to Prepare for Your Photo Session
You’ve scheduled your photo session and the day is here. Now what do you need to prepare in the hours leading up to meeting your photographer? Here are a few things to think through.

Tip for Wearing Heels at Your Photo Session
I am always down for dressing up those classy outfits with some statement heels. I mean, they make you feel good too, don’t they?! But, after walking around with me for an hour during our session together, you might regret those heels. So here’s a tip that you’ll thank me later for.

One Hour Session or Mini Session?
I offer 20 minute and one hour session options and one of the most common questions I get from prospective clients is… Which option should I book???
Here are a few things to consider…

Why Book a Bridal Session?
What is a bridal session? What are the benefits of booking one? And is it worth it?
A bridal session is time set aside within a month or two before your wedding where we spend about an hour of time together capturing you in all your wedding day regalia! You know, the outfit you’ve been planning, buying, and working on for months?! Here’s why you want a bridal session before your wedding day.
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